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斯科特•欧文被授予HPU杰出教师奖. 从左到右分别是丽莎·安德伍德和利奥·安德伍德, representing Underwood’s Cafeteria; 斯科特•欧文; and Dr. 科里·海恩斯,哈佛大学校长.

斯科特•欧文被授予HPU杰出教师奖. 从左到右分别是丽莎·安德伍德和利奥·安德伍德, representing Underwood’s Cafeteria; 斯科特•欧文; and Dr. 科里·海恩斯,哈佛大学校长.


Roger Dewell(中)获得HPU杰出员工奖. 图为他与波特保险公司的蕾妮·斯皮尔斯(左)和Dr. 科里·海恩斯(右).

Roger Dewell(中)获得HPU杰出员工奖. 图为他与波特保险公司的蕾妮·斯皮尔斯(左)和Dr. 科里·海恩斯(右).


资讯科技署获“年度最佳部门奖”. 从左至右为安东尼·阿雷奥拉博士. 切莉·康利博士. 乔迪·古德,鲍比·沃马克和乔纳森·杨. 照片中没有克里斯托弗·埃文和蒂凡尼·霍格.

资讯科技署获“年度最佳部门奖”. 从左至右为安东尼·阿雷奥拉博士. 切莉·康利博士. 乔迪·古德,鲍比·沃马克和乔纳森·杨. 照片中没有克里斯托弗·埃文和蒂凡尼·霍格.


褐木- 5月21日, 2024 -ebet真人娱乐厅最近在校园举行的年度员工午餐会上表彰了教职员工. 斯科特•欧文, 运动学助理教授, 系主席兼健康中心主任, 获杰出教员奖. 设施主任罗杰·德威尔(Roger Dewell)获得杰出员工奖. 优秀的教职员工奖是由安德伍德自助餐厅和波特保险机构提供的, 分别.

HPU的信息技术办公室获得了年度部门奖. Members of the team are Anthony Arreola, enterprise systems administrator; Dr. Cherri康利, instructional technology specialist; Christopher Ewen, part-time system support specialist; Dr. 乔迪•古德, assistant vice president for information technology services and chief information officer; Tiffany Hogue, systems administrator; Bobby Womack, 网络和基础设施服务总监; and Jonathan Young, 技术支持服务总监.

凯南·博兰获得了优秀教学证书, assistant professor of government; and Kathy Hagood, 英语副教授.

本·蔡尔德斯获得了表彰其卓越服务的证书, 机械, electrical and plumbing supervisor; and Susan Sharp, 教师认证主任.



服务三十年-博士. 温迪McNeeley, assistant vice president for student success; Diane Owens, director of the Pre-College Music program (part time); and Juanita Sypert, 政府文件专员及技术服务助理

服务了25年——特蕾莎·卡维特, 运动学助理教授; Abram Choate, assistant director of athletics for athletic communications; and Stephen Goacher, 音乐教授

服务了二十年,卡特里娜·林恩, director of human resources; and Stephen Lynn, 棒球总教练

15年的服务-凯南·博兰,J.D., assistant professor of government; Diane Hackney, custodial services supervisor; Dr. Stephen Kovach, associate professor of Christian studies and criminal justice (埃尔帕索中心); Dr. 詹妮弗McNiece, director of experiential learning and professional development and Brand chair of free enterprise and public policy; and Dr. 亨特·西姆斯,体育主管

Ten years of service – Laura Benoit, special assistant to the president; Dr. Cherri康利, instructional technology specialist; Sareta Delgado, mailroom and copy center coordinator; Scott Eddy, instructor of mathematics; Dr. Richard Fiese, dean of the 音乐与美术学院 and 音乐教授; Dr. 艾德里安•吉尔, assistant vice president for the 埃尔帕索中心; Celeste Justice, academic success coordinator; Rebecca Mendoza-Pate, executive assistant to the vice president for finance and administration; Magda Rodriguez, custodian; Dr. Nancy Romig, 英语副教授; and Dr. 迈克·罗萨托,教育学院院长和教育学教授

服役五年,克里斯蒂·埃利斯, financial aid advisor/student employment coordinator; Tony Heiser, assistant baseball coach; Dr. 科里·海恩斯, president; Karen LaQuey, director of student financial aid; Cassia Rose, administrative assistant for the 音乐与美术学院; Ray Tassin, 日常维修, painter; Trina Whinery, custodian; Dr. 约翰·威尔逊, instructor of kinesiology and assistant director of athletics for compliance; and Bobby Womack, 网络和基础设施服务总监
